Our Services

How Cardinal Comfort Care Can Help You

Sometimes a family caregiver or home health aide just cannot meet the increasing medical needs of caring for a loved one at home.


A specially trained private duty nurse provides the level of care your loved one needs to stay safely at home rather than in a nursing facility or hospital.


Cardinal Comfort Care private duty nurses are available to assist clients with regularly scheduled nursing visits or hourly care for extended shifts Monday through Friday. We work closely with the client’s medical team and family to provide extended support.


Caregivers do not need to let non-stop caregiving take a toll on their physical and emotional health. Our caring staff can serve their loved ones while they receive much-needed rest.

Cardinal Comfort Care, LLC is now a certified Consumer Directed Services (CDS) provider in Missouri. That means that medicaid and medicare recipients can have a family member or friend be paid to help with a variety of services at home. 

Contact us to learn more about this program and to get signed up.

Consumer Directed Services (CDS) include:

State Plan Personal Care, which includes but is not limited to:

Cardinal Confort Care, LLC can provide a variety of other services:

Our skilled home health licensed practical nurses (LPNs) can perform many medical tasks such as the following:


·  Setting up medications in weekly pill boxes or automatic medication dispensing machines


·  Ensure medications are administered appropriately


·  Administering medications, such as oral and topical medications, eye and eardrops, injections, nebulizers, inhalants, and oxygen


·  Providing personal medical care, including nail trimming, oral cavity suctioning, and bowel supervision

We can assist with respite care, referred to as “short break care” in some countries. We provide professional in-home care for seniors and other adults who require assistance to temporarily relieve caregivers so they can attend to other matters such as:


Respite care services give caregivers the unique opportunity to leave home for a few hours with the peace of mind that comes with knowing their loved ones are in capable hands.